Carly sure loved her aunts!!! Here she is hanging out with Annie and Karen-brand new Aunts!! They sure love it!! We were glad we were able to make it out to see them so they could finally meet their niece!
We had lots of fun visiting Grandma and Grandpa Moyes in Indianapolis during the past two weeks!! Here are some pics of Carly in her new Christmas dress!!....(we decided to go with the red bow!!)
We still have lots to do, but here's one half of her room!! We can't paint in our apartment so we tried to fill her room with as much color as possible!! We'll post more pictures of the rest of the room soon!
Carly was so good on Thanksgiving Day!! She slept almost the whole time we were over at our friends for Thanksgiving dinner and fun. This was the couple minutes she was up!
Here are some pictures from our little "photo session" that we had at home after church. Carly received a beautiful blessing and it was a very special day. It was also fun that she was able to wear the dress that her Mommy was blessed in! Carly looked so beautiful and we are BLESSED to have her. We love her more than anything!!!.........I'm sure you can see why!
When you put Carly up on your shoulder to burp her after feedings, she loves to pick her head up and move it to the side-to where she's pretty much just hanging off the side of your shoulder like she is in the pic!! The way she positions herself always looks pretty uncomfortable and awkward, but she seems to love it! It's definitely her favorite "hang out" spot! She does it the most with her Daddy-I think his shoulders are probably a lot more comfty to hang out on than Mommy's!
~November 19, 2006~ We had Grandpa Moyes and Grandpa Williams in town for Carly's blessing at church. They had quite a time with their new grandbaby! It took Carly about a day to warm up to her loving Grandpas..........Every time I'd hand Carly over to either one of them the first day they were here, she'd break into a hysterical cry and would not let up until given back to her mommy! It was pretty funny- We couldn't help but laugh!! It wasn't long before she eventually was snoozin' on Grandpa Williams' shoulder and smiling like crazy in Grandpa Moyes' arms. We had a great time with them, and were so glad they could make it out for this special occasion.