All wrapped up!!!
Last night, we took what we thought was going to be a "quick" trip to Target to pick some things up that we desparately needed( i.e. diapers, cheap food!!!). Well, when we arrived, we discovered that Carly had completely "blown out" her diaper, and was a mess. Unfortunately I didn't bring her diaper bag because I was dumb and thought we didn't need to because she had just been fed, changed, burped, etc. Luckily I had a changing pad, diaper, and wipes in my purse, but that was it. We didn't want to bring her in the store in just a diaper-she'd freeze!! So, Mommy was forced to get creative and turned her blanket in to a little robe after changing her in the back seat of our car. It was a bit complicated pulling it all off, but it ended up working out just fine. Much to our surprise, she was quite the happy camper!! We had to snap a couple shots when we got home. She was asleep at first, but then woke up to be her photogenic self!!! 

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