We were not surprised that Carly warmed right up to her uncles. She did really well in letting whoever hold her by the end of our trip too!! Unfortunately she can still be a little fussy when being held by any male other than her daddy, but she's doing much better now that we passed her around so much on our trip! I think her uncle Taylor would have liked to have held her more when she WASN'T needing to go down for a nap-somehow he usually wouldn't get to hold her until she was fussy and tired and probably wouldn't have behaved for anyone at that point. So we're glad we were able to grab him one evening and have him pick up Carly from her nap-That's when she's the snuggliest! As you can see in this picture (top pic) we had quite the satisfied uncle and niece!
Carsen was definitely a trooper. I don't think you could have found a 10 yr. old with cleaner hands!! He was such a good sport with my crazy germaphobic issues~! I probably asked/told the poor guy to wash his hands more times than he could count, but he was so good about it, and tolerated my nagging like a champion! Sometimes he'd even call my attention to his own random and independant acts of "sterilizing" his hands just so I wouldn't have to ask if he ended up playing with Carly! Hehe~Thanks Carsen!!
Carly loved him singing "We Are A Happy Family." He definitely was her favorite form of entertainment! He was wonderful with her and he's a great little unlce!!
(Pic of Carsen and Carly-bottom pic)
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