So right now, I'm having a problem (among others!!haha~). Carly sleeps with a binky at naptime(this is so not happening with the next child...or so I say now). She doesn't really ever have a binky at any other time of the day. We occasionally take it with us when we go out in case a Carly crisis breaks out, but that's it!
Right now she's doing this thing where she is dropping her binky outside her crib and sometimes along with her little giraffe blanky square-Both of which she cannot/WILL NOT sleep without. At first when I started to notice that this was becoming a habit, I tried to not go in there and get it-I figured that she was doing it just to get me to come in(and she probably is), but then she just cries for hours and refuses to nap. I thought if I try to ingnore it, then eventually she'd get the idea to not toss them out. No luck with that strategy!! So I don't know what to do. I hate going in there when I hear that's she's dropped them on the monitor and I don't want this to go on forever! Should I try to wean her of her binky at naptime? (She has one to go to bed with at night, but I take it out before I go to bed, and she sleeps through the night without it! We were lucky on that one!)She doesn't do the extra binky in the crib thing either. My mom said to clip it to her but she doesn't like that and just messes with it and gets it off as well!! I need some suggestions, or hear what any of you have done!! Even if I've said stuff that you've done that hasn't worked so far, I want to hear it!! I need encouragement desperately!! Thanks moms!!
Well Jackson never took a pacifier from the beginning so that was never an issue with us, but he does have a blanket (and now a stuffed dog) that he sleeps with and won't go to sleep without. He does the same thing, throws it out, and I can't tell if he's crying because he threw out his blanket or just winding down. So here is what I have done. If the crying lasts longer than 10 minutes or becomes hysterical, I go in there, and give him the blanket back. He has NEVER gone to sleep without it no matter how long I wait for him to cry it out. But as he got older he does this less often. He does it occasionally at naptime, and rarely at night. So for now i is kind of annoying, but she will figure out not having her binky is worse than throwing it out to get your attention. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
I wish I had some good advice for you, but neither of my kids ever took a binkee. good luck though, and you'll have to let us know of your solution.
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