Carly was 4 days overdue, and earlier this day we had to get an ultrasound to make sure everything was still looking okay...........Well, when they told us that this "little" girl was looking at least 9 lbs. we were no longer aprehensive about getting induced!! We called our doctor right away, and he sent us to the hospital that night!...................After a long night of discomfort and contractions caused by a device they had to place in me to prepare for the induction, the induction finally began Friday morning @ 7:00 a.m.. What a long day that would be!.............By 10:00 pm and almost 24 hrs. of labor, I was finally ready to start pushing-and boy was I READY!!! Unfortunately our baby girl was not, and decided to take her SWEET time just as she had for the past day and a half, and had her Mommy push for a whoppin' 2 1/2 hours. Unfortunately Mommy only got to enjoy her epidural for 45 minutes until it had worn off( they turned it down once, and then off because they said I wasn't pushing right. They assured me that she'd be out in no time!! NOT SO!!!)SO for the next hour and 45mins. I experienced the shear pain of giving birth-Well, the shear pain of trying to get a baby out that just could do so on her own, and was literally shattering my tail bone!! With the patience and "handy work" of our wonderful OB, we were able to dodge a C-section, and miraculously "pop" that girl out with a 3rd degree episiotomy @ 12:45 a.m., 12/30/06, early Saturday morning!! No one could believe how big she was at a huge 8lbs. 9 oz. except for her Mommy of course, who'd sworn up and down for the past month that she was with out a doubt carrying at least an 8 pounder!!
I remember when they placed her on me and thinking how heavy she was to me! I cannot describe my relief and my joy to finally have her here. THe pregnancy had been long and hard with the hyperemesis and IV fluids, and getting through record heat wave in CAli during the last two months with NO AC! But I am lucky to have had a healthy baby, and I know like others, I could have had MUCH worse. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and thoughs at that time.
We are so grateful for our darling girl and the daily pure joy she brings to our lives. The time has flown to fast this past year! We love you Carly!
Here's some pics of me right before we headed to the hospital @ 41 weeks! Oh, and Ryan waiting so patienty and passing the time in my delivery room, at last our beautfiul baby girl!

She looked ready to literally DROP out of you. Too bad she didn't make it that easy but we like babies with strong wills!! They will survive in this world and make it!!! MamaJo
Ok, You totally look like you are standing there with a basketball under your shirt. You must tell your secrets of looking that perfect at 9 months pregnant!
i love your pregnancy pictures:) You're so cute. Sounds like birth was truly hard work, good job:)
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