So, these pics are of us at the Ward Christmas party. Most of them are blurry because I was either laughing or chasing Carly across the gym while trying to take them!

We were so surprised that Carly didn't cry on Santa's lap, but she definitely kept her distance!!

I don't think Carly is ever as happy as she is when she gets to freely roam around the gym at church! She just loves all that open space!!

Carly loves playing with the big kids!
She could care less where we were! We could hardly keep up with her!

And she's off!!!
I can't believe she's walking all over! And her hair is adorable:)
Her dress is darling - Target, right? She is a busy body...I can tell! Isn't it fun! Austin is all over the place and into everything. I can relate with the love of all the open space at church. We walk in the door and he squirms out of my hands and takes off down the hall! It is a fun age but man is it every tiring! What are your plans for Christmas!???
You all look great! We sure miss all of you and love hearing about the ward activities. We just got dumped with snow and are freezing to death, the kids love playing in it but I am ready to head back to California!
so glad you are back! I love Carly's red dress. So cute.
Welcome back, we missed you! I love the pics and I love her outfit. I wish I was as stylish as her!
I'm loving the red on you! Great pics of Carly...she is getting so big. So are we gonna get together before I move or what? :)
She is so adorable. I can't believe how much she looks like you!!! Hope you had a great Christmas!
What a cute family picture! I can't believe how grown up Carly is.
Hey Kate, you gonna post Christmas pics???
You need to update, I am waiting!!!
Ryan and I are going to make our blog private so email me or comment on our blog with your google (gmail) address.
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