Just thought I'd redeem Carly's reputation with the "sweet" photos I took of her the same day as the "crazy monster" pics.
I am so grateful for my little Carly. She really brings so much joy to our lives! The past year has been a wild one. It's been difficult with Carly's extreme food allergies-not knowing what was wrong for the first 6 months, ear drum rupturing, trying to get her terrible reflux under control, her major attachments to mommy-not being able to leave her with anyone, Ryan being gone all the time, etc..But I know there's people out there with MUCH worse, and we've survived. As pathetic as may seem, I feel like I'm just barely getting the hang of things and being a mom. Carly is starting to discover some independence (with a little nudge or two) and she's just a happier baby now that she can get herself around. She is so much fun-I think Ryan and I could watch her all day. I feel so blessed to have the best most darling baby in the world, as well as the best husband in the world. He's really been a trooper throughout everything. I don't know how he handles being a doctor in training and then coming home to an exhausted wife and child every day. He helps out so much-in fact he's had to do more than his fair share and hasn't complained once about it. I am truly blessed!
Wow, that does sound rough. I am glad it sounds like you've got all the issues resolved! Now Carly should be healthy and happy for good. She sure is adorable, with all that curly hair. You are a good mom, and if it makes you feel any better, I still don't always feel like I've got the hang of motherhood. So, heres to flying by the seat or our pants :)
Oh my gosh, she is so growing up. That hair is something else, feel like she has doubled her hair volume since we were there. You guys are awesome! And Carly is the cutest!!!! We know she is a sweet baby without you redeeming her reputation!!!
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