This is Carly's new favorite thing-........Mommy's too!! I absolutely love this swing. It goes side to side and back and forth., it's got songs, nature sounds-the whole bit. I highly recommend it!Carly calms right down in it and usually falls asleep. She's so content when we put her in this thing-it's so great!! This was the first time we put her in one at her Aunt Jenny's and Uncle Jeremy's. Aunt Jenny put her in it because she had a little too much "fun" with our photo time, and was quite fussy. From the Second Jenny put her in it, she didn't move a muscle. She was so mesmorized by the whole thing, she just sat there starring into space, until she drifted off to sleep soon after. We got quite a kick out of watching her. After that experience, I was hooked, and knew that when we got home and took back the bouncer we have that broke(it's the same series as the swing), we would definitely be trading it in for this thing!! I must say, we are loving this swing! Can ya tell?! = )