Now that Carly is 100% walking everywhere, she is wanting to get into everything!! If she's off doing her own thing playing quietly somewhere, the moment I leave the room, she quickly stands up and runs right after me!!Even when I dash off as fast and as quietly as I can to grab something from my room or wherever, by the time I'm trying to get back out the door, she's right there!

Check out that belly!! WHoohoo!!

Teaching her "NO" has been an interesting experience for Ryan and me. We are working on "no!" alot these days. I try to say "no" sternly, sometimes a couple of times, and then at the sign of the slightest retraction, I praise her by saying "thankyou!" and "good girl!" and she goes merrirly on her way. I've found that she's reacted much better to me saying no, if she hasn't already gotten into what she's not suppose to yet. For instance, as I see her approaching something I don't want her getting into, or she's about to grab or touch something she's not suppose to-me telling her no before she does it is usually successful!....unfortunately, like any other mother, I can't always watch her every move and she does beat me to it! Those "no" successes are a hit or miss!! It is funny though when I find myself almost coaxing her away from whatever the "hostage" may be, and I feel like an officer telling a gunman to just put the gun down, and we're all going to be cool and calm!! Other times I feel like her personal coach helping her overcome some of those "baby exploration" tendancies. It'll start and end something like this...."Carly no.NO-no.....stop-we don't touch that....Carly!!NO-NO. Thankyou!!>........NonOnono...Carly!! NONO-come on baby, be a good girl...come here..come on.....Good girl!! Let's play with this, okay?!... GOOD GIRL-THANKYOU baby!!"
Of course at times she feels the need to be defiant.

She'll give me that look,(yup-this picture-that's the look!) and I then know that she's going to do it anyway! I can "coax" her all I want, but she's going to stand her ground! All in all, we have been lucky as to how well she does when we say no(....I know all you moms out there are saying, "yeah, for now!!")
It's fun watching her just want to discover everything. She has so much fun.....sometimes too much fun if we don't keep a close eye on her!! It's just a whole new world when they are no longer crawling!! Be careful what you wish for, huH!?
kids are so funny when they start to walk. Does she still waddle? I love her getting-into-trouble look. Very cute.
some of the faces she makes remind me so much of stella it is crazy!! She is adorable.
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