Yes, I know we've been off the radar for over HALF a year!!! Trust me, I know-I don't intend to let happen again, even if only to keep the relatives happy!!! I have spent all day "recapping" the past 7+months, so I'm not really feeling up to writing anymore today. But there are tons of posts below now to catch you up on us! I just returned from out of town, so hopefully this week, I can get our blog site updated, and add/update lots of blog addresses! I haven't even seen anyones blog in forever, so I plan to visit you all soon!!
Hope you enjoy!!>.......Thanks for caring! We love you all!!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Holiday in Indy!
Carly and I went to Indianapolis(where my parents now live)two days after Christmas.(Sadly, Ryan was back to work at the hospital already!)It was so much fun to be home with my brothers and sisters! It was a special treat on top of that to have my brothers' darling girlfriends with us there for the first half of our trip! I took a bunch of pics,(mostly on the same night)so I'm just going to post them all on here-random and all. Oh, and just so you know, we Moyes' like to make lots of "pretty" faces!!!Seriousness is SO overrated!!

Settin' up to play a good game of Rummikub!!

This actually feels GREAT!

Lauren doing Karen's hair-LOL-I told her she looked like a lion!

My parent's are going to kill me for putting this picture on here, but it's all I got with them! But I'll explain. My mom was super sick with pluracy when we were there, and she and my dad were camping out in one of the guest rooms watching movies when I came in and snatched a pic!

Lauren (Nick's girlfriend)is a hairdresser, and was kind enough to do our hair for us that night(New Years Eve)!!! She colored and cut Karen's and Annie's, but wimp that I am and always have been, I went for a basic trim. Lauren hopes to eventually work me up to highlights in the future-we'll see....Hopefully someday I'll have the guts do something about my boring hair color! First for everything!

Aren't my sisters the coolest?!^

This is by FAR our best "pretty" face!

I LOVE my sisters SOOOOOOOO much!!!
Settin' up to play a good game of Rummikub!!
This actually feels GREAT!
Lauren doing Karen's hair-LOL-I told her she looked like a lion!
My parent's are going to kill me for putting this picture on here, but it's all I got with them! But I'll explain. My mom was super sick with pluracy when we were there, and she and my dad were camping out in one of the guest rooms watching movies when I came in and snatched a pic!
Lauren (Nick's girlfriend)is a hairdresser, and was kind enough to do our hair for us that night(New Years Eve)!!! She colored and cut Karen's and Annie's, but wimp that I am and always have been, I went for a basic trim. Lauren hopes to eventually work me up to highlights in the future-we'll see....Hopefully someday I'll have the guts do something about my boring hair color! First for everything!
Aren't my sisters the coolest?!^
This is by FAR our best "pretty" face!
I LOVE my sisters SOOOOOOOO much!!!
Family picture time!
So my parents were determined to get ONE picture of all of us, since we weren't going to get professionals done this year without Ryan. Didn't matter what we were wearing(apparently-Half of us are in our sweats!) as long as we were all in one picture together-Sounds like an easy task, right?! Well, unfortunately, this picture included myself and my brother Devan, and we are not so good at being serious when the time calls for it-Well, the rest of the fam wasn't too pleased with us(understandably so), because instead of taking a couple of simple pictures, we had to do quite a few, because I couldn't keep it together! I'm sorry, old habits die hard! Once you get me laughing, it is sometimes hard to stop! Especially when I'm NOT suppose to be laughing or being silly! You can always count on me to mess these things up! Yup, I gotta work on that- Anyways, I thought I'd post a few of those "candid" pics (I'm ashamed to admit how many "candids" actually exist)that resulted in my dad having to take a few too many trips back to the camera to reset the timer. Whoops!! Sorry Mom and Dad! Just thought I'd give you guys a flash of the good ol' days! But hey, we got 3 semi-decent ones!Right?

I tried, I really did~!

Carly and I went to Indianapolis(where my parents now live)two days after Christmas.(Sadly Ryan was back to work at the hospital already!)It was so much fun to be home with all my siblings. It was a special treat on top of that to have their darling girlfriends there with us for a little while! I took a bunch of pic while we were there(mostly on the same night) so I'm just going to post them all on here-random and all! Oh, and just so you know, we Moyes' like to make "pretty" faces!!!Seriousness is SO overrated!!
I tried, I really did~!
Carly and I went to Indianapolis(where my parents now live)two days after Christmas.(Sadly Ryan was back to work at the hospital already!)It was so much fun to be home with all my siblings. It was a special treat on top of that to have their darling girlfriends there with us for a little while! I took a bunch of pic while we were there(mostly on the same night) so I'm just going to post them all on here-random and all! Oh, and just so you know, we Moyes' like to make "pretty" faces!!!Seriousness is SO overrated!!
Christmas morning!
Aren't we a sight to see?!!Yikes-From the looks of it, I'd say Ryan and I are not lookin' so much like morning people that day! Not such a great pic, but what can you do without an extra hand?

Carly on her way to the family room to see what Santa brought her!!!

This year, we had our own little Christmas here at home! Just the three of us! It was fun, but a little quiet, and we obviously didn't plan out the picture and video thing too well. I guess we're so use to having everyone around on Christmas that we don't have to worry about lack of photos!! But, unfortunately, I was a little caught up taking video that I didn't even take pictures of Carly doing Santa(Which we did in the Family Room, before presents in the front room by the tree) So here's the ONE picture we do have of Carly opening presents. She LOVES "horsies" right now, and she had just opened this one from Gr. Grandpa Williams!
Carly on her way to the family room to see what Santa brought her!!!
This year, we had our own little Christmas here at home! Just the three of us! It was fun, but a little quiet, and we obviously didn't plan out the picture and video thing too well. I guess we're so use to having everyone around on Christmas that we don't have to worry about lack of photos!! But, unfortunately, I was a little caught up taking video that I didn't even take pictures of Carly doing Santa(Which we did in the Family Room, before presents in the front room by the tree) So here's the ONE picture we do have of Carly opening presents. She LOVES "horsies" right now, and she had just opened this one from Gr. Grandpa Williams!
It's a wrap!
Though many of you may or may not share my enthusiasm in this subject, I love wrapping presents! Ryan was making fun of me for all the different bows and paper I get, but I have so much fun making them pretty!(Well, trying, anyway!) I think I'm obsessed with ribbon-I can't get enough of it!! Anyways, this year, I was in love with some of the new wrapping paper I had found, so I thought I'd show you a few of them!

Oh Christmas tree....
For the past four years, we have yet to own a christmas tree. Well, this year, we decided that we couldn't go on having a beautiful bay window in the the front play/sitting room without displaying an awesome christmas tree in it~!! So one day, I decided to go buy us a tree, brought it home, and got out all the fun ornaments I bought with Aunt Sharon in Houston! Ryan was working late at the hospital that night. When he called at 11:30 on his way home, I had just finished the tree. I hadn't told him about the tree because I wanted it to be a surprise. Well, right after he said he'd be home soon, he ended saying, "Honey, I've decided we need to get a Christmas tree!" I just said, "Okay, we'll see." That made it that much more fun to see Ryan's reaction when he pulled in to the driveway and saw our sparkling new tree in the window!! I love surprises!!
SO here are some pics of our very first Christmas tree the ni!!
P.S. The star was MIA in these pics. I hadn't found one yet, at the time!
I wish I had pics of THanksgiving day, but my camera battery died, and we didn't bring the charger! But, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We went to Houston, where we visited Ryan's aunt and uncle!! They are some of most enjoyable people to be around, and it seemed like every night my stomach was sore from all the laughing we did!! We love them so much! We're so glad they are so close by, and look forward to many fun times ahead~!
Here are a couple of that weekend, when Ryan and Uncle Gordon took Carly to a petting zoo.

Here are a couple of that weekend, when Ryan and Uncle Gordon took Carly to a petting zoo.
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